Do you have grout that has become stained or discolored over the years Don t replace it restore it Grout Superior specializes in a process called grout color sealing. Color sealing is a process that protects your grout from any type of stains. It seals over the pores of the grout stopping any type of dirt food or oils from penetrating it in the future. It is a one-time application that leaves your grout looking both natural and beautiful. It doesn t matter if you have a tile floor shower or backsplash. Our unique process will not only clean your grout but will keep it looking beautiful for years to come One of the major benefits of color sealing is that it cuts cleaning time in half eliminating the need to scrub or use any harsh chemicals. You simply wipe off the surface of the grout with a damp cloth and it wipes clean every time We specialize in Grout cleaning Grout repair Shower cleaning Shower restoration Mildew and soap scum removal Recaulking Color sealing Tile replacement We serve the entire Birmingham Metro area and provide free estimates. Estimates take 10-15 minutes. Upon arrival we will take a look at the grout needed to be treated give a quick demonstration go over color options and leave you with a price. We are not a franchise. We are not a carpet cleaning company. Grout is all we do We are a small local business that strives to serve the people of Birmingham Customer satisfaction is our number one priority and ALL our work is guaranteed. We are available Monday through Saturday and you can call us any time. 205-234-7741 Birmingham color sealing Birmingham color staining Birmingham tile services Birmingham grout service Birmingham grout service repair Birmingham bathroom grout restoration Birmingham grout grout sealing Birmingham kitchen tile cleaning Birmingham shower grout cleaning Birmingham shower grout sealing Birmingham cleaning services grout cleaner tile grout Birmingham tile grout cleaning shower restoration tile grout sealing Birmingham grout cleaning service company tile floor sealing dirty grout repair dirty grout cleaning mold and mildew removal shower cleaning regrouting service repair tile grout shower travertine natural stone shower repair natural stone cleaning backsplash dirty kitchen floor color seal color sealer color stain grout sealer grout staining grout color seal grout color sealer cracking grout dirty grout Birmingham bathroom cleaning bathroom grout bathroom shower grout bathroom seal bathroom caulk bathroom restoration kitchen tile restoration shower grout soap scum removal Birmingham tile cleaning grout flooring companies grout company grout companies how to clean grout how to clean shower Birmingham tile and grout cleaning service Birmingham tile and grout cleaning companies Birmingham grout cleaning Birmingham grout repair Birmingham shower cleaning Birmingham recaulking Birmingham tile repair Birmingham tile and grout cleaning Birmingham tile and grout repair Birmingham grout restoration Birmingham tile and grout restoration Birmingham color seal
Category: Home Services
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