$1500 2 bedroom in Polk Lakeland - Price: $1500

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2172745. Gated over 55 community located in Haines City in central Florida 18 miles from Disney. Large two bedroom two bath home. King-size bed in master twin beds in guest room. Home has living room den enclosed lanai. Rental includes use of golf cart electric washer dryer garage flat screen televisions cable Internet handicap height toilets. Linens pots and pans dinnerware utensils are in the home. Community heated outdoor pool and jacuzzi 18 hole executive golf course for less than twenty dollars per round on site private pub. Quiet but very active senior community with residents as easy going as 55. Available March 2013 longer terms can be arranged. No smokers or pets please. For more details .



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