Newer built custom built house south facing northern mountain views.solid oak beveled glass entry rm w natural color hw flrs fireplace.dinn rm offers large picture window enjoy incredible view setting w fpl in background and balcony.custom 1 seam granite tops views commercial six burner wolf range 1200 cfm vent for professional dw stainless steel fridge.pantry and pullout abundant cabinetry.tile access garage for groceries.separate family rm.hw flrs built in lighting storage....
Price: 4,800 USD
Category: For Rent - Condos
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Appartement neuf de style condo 4 1 2 (2 chambres) louer Beauport Qu bec au...
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LE WOW ---- DISPONIBLE D S MAINTENANT Appartement de style condo neuf sur deux tages...
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LE WOW ---- DISPONIBLE D S MAINTENANT Appartement de style condo neuf 4 1 2...
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LE WOW ---- DISPONIBLE D S MAINTENANT Appartement de style condo neuf 3 1 2...
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LE WOW ---- DISPONIBLE D S MAINTENANT Appartement de style condo neuf 3 1 2...
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Appartement neuf de style condo 4 1 2 (2 chambres) louer Beauport Qu bec au...
Agent De Location
190 1br - 740ft2 - High end finishes including granite counter tops 1 bedroom apartment...
.free standing blg with parking.cac 1000 sf office redone windows very clean space with 2...
Nice 2bdr one bathrooms duplex located across from neighborhood recreation center....
For RENT small Condo 1 Bedroom 1 full Bath Kitchen with eating area and Living...
Martha Jaimes