$1375 2 bedroom in Benton Rogers - Price: $1375

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2322697. NO LONGER AVAILABLE - - 1800 SQ. FT. CONDO - - Maintenance free living in NW Arkansas Premier Condo Community This is an excellent location for Walmart and their vendors Tyson International Foods etc. There is so much available here and you can find more information at bassfishing dot org forward slash condo. Northwest Arkansas is a GREAT place to live and work COMMUNITY AMENITIES 2 Bed 2 Bath Open floor plan Extra cabinets Veranda sun room Insulated window coverings Attached 2-car garage Gas fireplace Hardwood flooring Fenced Patio Tinted windows Clubhouse Pool Entertainment area Putting green Friendly neighbors Fitness center Pool Table Large screen TV Maintenance free exterior Easy access to shopping workLease price includes Condo Association club dues - PAID Allows use of club house fitness facilities swimming pool pool table large screen TV etc. Lawn care and exterior maintenance - For more details .



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