2013 Pj Trailer 101 X 20 Flatbed Trailer - Price: $4,695

2013 PJ TRAILER 101 X 20 FLATBED TRAILER 9990lb. G.V.W.R. 5200 pound. x two G.A.W.R. 2 5 16 Adjustable Ball Coupler Safety Chains one - Drop Leg Jack (7000 pound.) two - Posi-lube Brake Axles (5200 pound.) six Leaf Slipper Spring Suspension four - 15 White Spoke Wheels four - 225 75R15 Radial Tires Rubrail & Stake Pockets Electric Breakaway Kit w Charger DOT Reflective Tape six Slide in Ramps w Holders six Channel Tongue six Channel Frame Main Frame 3x2 Angle Channel Crossmembers sixteen on Center two Treated Pine Lumber Deck 101 Wide Deck DOT Approved Flushmount Lifetime LED Lamps Sealed Wire Harness w 7-Way RV Plug Sand Blasted Acid Washed Powder Coated FULL FACTORY WARRANTY Have the utmost confidence when buying this vehicle This vehicle is being offered with the Full Factory Warranty. Please inquire for the specifics on this warranty....



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