$884 2 bedroom in Charlotte - Price: $884

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2304127. Deposit 150.00Application Fee 75.00Administration Fee 200.00Community Amenities Sparkling Swimming Pool Sun Deck Wi-Fi Access in Clubhouse & Pool Area Outdoor Kitchen BBQ Grills Business Center Car Care Center Fitness Center Clubhouse High Speed Internet Limited Access Package Receiving On-Site Maintenance On-Site ManagementApartment Features Brushed Nickel Accents Washer Dryer Connections Private Patio or Balcony 2 Faux Wood Blinds Built-In Bookcases Gas Fireplaces Crown Molding Track Lighting Garden Tub Refrigerator Microwave Large Closets Ceiling Fan Garage For more details .



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