2012 Chevrolet Express Cutaway 3500 - Price: $32,888

Extra Clean LOW MILES Supreme Service Body Many vehicles claim to be versatile do-it-alls but when it comes to backing claims with fact the 2012 Chevrolet Express Van puts its money where its grille is. -. So many compartments KEY FEATURES INCLUDEBucket Seats Vinyl Seats 4-Wheel ABS 4-Wheel Disc Brakes Tire Pressure Monitoring System. Work Van with Summit White exterior and Medium Pewter interior features a 8 Cylinder Engine with 280 HP at 5200 RPM . WHY BUY FROM USWill and Gib Tinney are third generation dealers whose family has been representing General Motors in both sales and service since 1954. Serving happy customers one at a time Tinney Automotive Group is not responsible for any errors omissions or inaccurate prices that may be reflected on this website. For accurate information and pricing on this or any of our vehicles please contact us directl



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