Address 5696 n carica ave fresno ca 93722 fresno countyappraisal date 07 23 2013 bedrooms bath 4 2.00 total rooms six square ft 2000yr 2001 property design ranch parking garage hoa charges 0.00listing details list date 07 31 2013 listing period exclusive period deadline 8 29 2013 11 59 59 pm ct list price 237 000.00 as-is value 237 000.00 fha financing ie (insured escrow) 203k eligible yes repair escrow 715.00 review pcr for repair escrow itemshud real estate owned property - sold by sealed bid only for details availability a property condition report interior viewings and bidding instructions please call 888-871--x or visit This is a 4 bedrooms 2 bathroom property at 5696 N Carica Ave in Fresno for 237000.00....
Category: Real Estate - Homes
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