Female Roommates Wanted! - Price: $475 each

Private home in lovely Denton county suburb 16 minutes from Texas Woman s University off Route 380 and five minutes from the North Dallas Tollway. This rental is actually a suite that has the following 2 bedrooms each with a private bath (lock for bedroom provided) a 3rd bedroom that may be used as a shared office (desk provided) a separate living area and a porch. Kitchen and laundry privileges central air and heat use of the back yard and use of clubhouse for each tenant and one guest each with a community swimming pool tennis courts sauna hot tubs business office meeting rooms and fully equipped work out fitness center. Electric gas water and sewer are included in rent. A month s rent security deposit that is refundable with a 30 day written notice. No pets. Female graduate students will be given a priority consideration. Total for two female tenants 950 ( 475. each) unfurnished. One inside garage parking space for midsize or smaller car is available for an additional 35 per month.



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