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Category: Household & Furniture
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Handcrafted by a carpenter except his dimensions came out wrong. Originally intended to be used...
Recently constructed by a carpenter I know supposedly as component shelving but he got the...
Floral design sofa & love seatMeasurements Sofa - length 7 ft depth 34 seat height...
Grace Cayco
Small wood metal and glass dining table and 5 chairs in excellent condition. Table height...
Grace Cayco
Light oak dining table and matching hutchMeasurements Dining table - length 6 ft 6 width...
Grace Cayco
Light oak end table and wall consoleMeasurements End table - length 28 width 24 height...
Grace Cayco
Large solid pine dresser with hutch. 2 pieces 5 large drawers 9 smaller drawers (11...
2 doors and 7 drawers Dresser with mirror and two extra drawers on top. Needs...