Cook s Tutoring in Writing(West End) - Price: $160 month/2x a we

Check out my website cookstutoringwriting.comStudents in grades 4 5 6 who wish to improve their writing skills may apply for Level A tutoring. (We will follow Henrico County s academic calendar.) Students will begin Level A tutoring and will meet at 4 00--4 50 p.m. or at 5 00--5 50 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday. A fee of 160.00 will be collected at the beginning of each month. If students have problems and wish to end participation in the tutoring program then parent guardian should give a month s notice to tutor.Students who successfully completed Level A last year may apply to participate in Level B. Students will meet from 6 00--6 50 p.m. on Monday. (If Henrico schools close on Monday then Level B students will meet on Wednesday.) A monthly fee will be 80.00.If you believe that your child might benefit from tutoring in writing skills please email me as soon as possible. Thank you.



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