We are considering selling at this price and may change our mind But will take 110k today if you make offer today. We have a virtual tour of home lots of pics and more info on our website. We want to sell fast to cash buyer. Wholesellers welcome and we can work fee Home shows 115k on website and is great price there. This home will sell retail for 160k quickly. Needs minor work and can be back on the market. AGENTS WELCOME WILL PAY A BUYERS SIDE COMMISSION OF 5K IF YOU SELL AT LISTED 115K GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Rental income for the area is around 1250 per month. Needs ALMOST NO WORK....JUST A LITTLE PAINT AND A LITTLE BIT OF CARPET THEN PLACE YOUR TENANT OR SELL FOR BIG PROFIT FAST Call Erik at 941-677-2986 Details Go to Our website www.cashflipflorida.com Direct link to info about this home www.cashflipflorida.com propertydetails.aspx pid 7065& sid 12845 There is also a link to virtual tour on the above web page.
Category: Real Estate - Homes
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