Motor Home For sale - Price: $95,000

2005 National Tropical LX 37ft RV Motor Home Excellent condition 34 000 miles 350HP Cat Turbo Diesel Motor 6speed Auto Allison Transmission Diesel Generator leveling jacks engine brake duel pane windows awnings on all windows remote awning on porch electic steps tow package polished aluminum wheels lots of storage underneth. Interior- cherry wood cabinets ceramic floors carpet corian countertops full kitchen split baths queen master bedroom with full mirror wardrobe washer and drier sofa sleeper dinette booth sleeper built-in TV with DVD surround sound system 2 leather captain chairs computer desk area. Inverter backup camera 2 ducted furnaces 2 roof A C units and heated undercarriage. Serious inquiries only. 95 000 304-632-0145



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