Kawasaki Mule 4000 4010 Soft Doors Rear Window Combo USA Made -

ON SALE KAWASAKI MULE 4010 SOFT DOORS & REAR WINDOW KIT KAWASAKI MULE 4000 4010 Soft Door Rear Window ComboFREE GROUND SHIPPING TO LOWER 48 STATESPart KAW-4010-DRW01 Fits All model years Kawasaki Mule 4010 (will NOT fit the Trans model) Custom UTV Accessory Handmade in USA by MD Inc 1 Year Manufacturer s WarrantyCLICK HERE FOR CURRENT PRODUCTION TIMELINE Kawasaki Mule 4000 4010 Soft Doors Rear Window Combo Kit is Designed for use with Mule Hard Windshield and Kawasaki Factory Hard Top. Custom crafted for installation on units that have a hard windshield and hard canopy Features Professional Grade Marine Textile that is Waterproof Puncture Resistant Tear Resistant Abrasion Resistant Roll Away doors provide the option of taking your doors with you & they conveniently stow-away when not in use. Aquaview vinyl professional grade marine textile polyester self-adhesive velcro and strong rare-earth magnets combine to provide you with a custom fit unlike anything on the market. This unit is built to withstand harsh environments rough trail rides and extreme weather conditions. Custom Soft Doors Rear Window Combo offers superior protection from the elements at an affordable price. Item is brand new and comes complete with a 1 Year Manufacturer s Warranty Please call or email for Alaska Hawaii & International shipping quotes. To Purchase - Add to Cart & Proceed to Checkout We SHIP WORLDWIDE International Order Questions or Prefer to Purchase by phone Call 4x4 UTV Accessories or email 4x4utv(at)gmail.comCHOOSE FROM 6 FADE RESISTANT COLORS 4x4 UTV Accessories offers our customers the lowest prices personalized service great selection & honest trail tested advice on 1000 s of UTV parts & accessories for the Can-Am Commander Polaris Ranger John Deere Gator Kawasaki Mule 610 Mule 4010 Kawasaki Teryx Arctic Cat Prowler Honda Big Red Yamaha Rhino dozens of other sidebyside makes models. Like 4x4 UTV on Facebook www.facebook.com 4x4utv Follow (at)4x4UTV on Twitter www.twitter.com 4x4utv Side by Side 4x4 UTV Parts & Accessories On Sale



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