ID (GREG) Huge Commercial Property For Sale In Jamaica. Zoning C4-2. Excellent For Schools Corporate Office Medical Office Etc. Very Close To All Transportation. For more information please contact Carollo Real Estate at (718) 747-7747 or visit our website at Why Go Anywhere Else
Price: 2,500,000 JMD
Category: Real Estate - Commercial
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Large salon fully equipped to do nails and hair.Includes massage chairs with pedicure stations. Includes...
This 1500 sq ft workshop is located at the New Ulster Marina in Kingston NY...
The New Ulster Marina property consists of a three story structure with three bedroom residential...
- 4700 sq ft Brick Office Building-Features 4 private offices conference room kitchen area plus...
25x100 building for sale great for any type of business
Alan Persaud
Brand new industrial offices warehouses available now. This is a brand new Business Park with...
Ray McFarland
Inn for sale Mandeville Lanaudiere - 201 Ch. Du Lac-Henault S. Excellent income Prestigious rustic...
Catherine Thriault
Restaurant For Sale -Downtown Jamaica 1800 Sq. Ft. with Backyard Business Opportunity for Sale Complete...