A spectacular lakefront property is now available in the prestigious Pine Bay Estates on Memory Road just a 35 minute drive from the Thunder Bay International Airport. The 1.33 acre lot has 154 ft. of shoreline and 359 ft. of road frontage. The cleared building site well and driveway will give you the headstart when creating your dream home or cottage. The sheltered bay opens to endless opportunities for sport fishing sailing kayaking and other recreational adventures on Lake Superior. Call (807) 964 2407 with your inquiries or to make an appointment to view this piece of heaven.
Category: Real Estate - Land
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TO BE BUILT..Beautiful Sparta Property on TOP OF A MOUNTAIN..GORGEOUS VIEWS Approximately 2.6 acres (Backs...
Irena D Percia
Large residential lot in the town of Bluesky. Small garage on Property. Services on property...
Arleigh Leppaie
2 - Two acre lots for sale in the RM. of Moose Jaw between 24th...
Harry and Audrey Erickson
Surveyed 20m x 30m Lot. Full services to property line. Year round use. 2 hrs...
Darrel Dowhaniuk
Sunset Ranches 20 Acres of prime land for sale (at) Section 6 Block 38 &...
Donald Ogilvie
60 _ acres Pasture and Timber creek and spring 770 Towee Pike Reliance TN. owner...
Quite road with great neighbors. Land particially cleared water and electric to front of property.
Candy Smith
This is my lifelong dream property. Access to the kennebec river and Gilman brook at...
Joseph carrigan
90 Acres located near Goodwater Alabama on Coosa County Road 64 1500 ft - road...
Brandon Speake
16472 103 AVENUEBuild your dream and modern design 3 level home over 5000 sq ft...
Sara Sharma