Energy Legal Secretary

Legal Secretary - Energy and Regulatory Duties Prepares legal documents and correspondence to assist with specific practice group requirements and work needs. Performs highly specialized administrative work for the practice group that requires technical knowledge and an understanding of procedures. Performs other administrative duties such as scheduling appointments making travel arrangements responding to calls in a professional manner transcribing dictation reading and routing incoming mail filing preparing expense reports and check requisitions assisting with the filing of pleadings or other documents with appropriate courts and government agencies. Develops and demonstrates a deep understanding of department objectives key activities and requirements in order to anticipate and proactively address the needs of this team. Handles complex tasks such as reviewing information submissions and reports and coordinating distribution. Collaborates with resources inside and outside the firm as appropriate to complete projects or tasks. Manages information both electronically and in hard copy file. Serves as a knowledge resource for others within the group in specific practice group requirements as well as firm policies and procedures. Shares knowledge skill or expertise with others. Collaboratively works with other to improve processes and procedures. Opens new and closes completed files. Codes and enters timekeeper s time and costs in the firm s time and billing system. Reviews monthly client billing summary reports prepares billing statements for distribution. Coordinates with legal administrative support personnel and or word processing for overflow work support. Maintains attorney bar membership records and CLE records. Additional duties as assigned to meet business needs. Qualifications BA or BS from an accredited college or university and 3-5 years of experience and or training or equivalent combination of education and experience. Demonstrates outstanding communication skills with the ability to work professionally with lawyers staff and clients. Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite products including Word Excel and PowerPoint as determined by the specific position. Excellent grammar punctuation and proofreading skills as well as the ability to produce a high volume of documents with tight deadlines. Demonstrates a desire to learn and grow and to actively seek continuous improvement in processes and procedures. Demonstrates the ability to work with minimal supervision exercising good judgment and decision making. Demonstrates the ability to communicate ideas or positions in a professional manner promoting teamwork and a commitment to outstanding customer service. Demonstrates the ability to work within a team environment.



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