Just Listed! Spectacular Maple Leaf Condo - Price: $115000

HUD owned condo in desirable Maple Leaf Great location with easy access to the UW Green Lake I-5 and much more. As you enter this home you will notice a nice entry with tiled floors. Enjoy your large living room with tiled fireplace open to the kitchen and breakfast bar. Deck off the living room. Two nice sized bedrooms with one full bathroom and one half bathroom. Laundry in your unit. Separate storage locker just below the unit. Make it your home today Case 561-913709View the Virtual Tour With Google Maps Property Community & School Information and more. Many people also find this information valuable Search All Homes For SaleShort Sale Homes For Sale Troy Anderson Keller Williams Greater Seattle 8812 20th Ave NE Seattle WA 98115 206-504-3660 Licensed In WA License 79193Equal Housing Opportunity



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