Online Auction: 1947 Navion Model A Airplane - Price: $5.0

1947 Navion Model A Airplane Online auction at - Tuesday August 20 2013 at 10 00 am. 1947 Navion Model A Airplane Registration No N8795H Serial No NAV-4-795 Airframe Total Hours 3 305 Engine Hours 1 200 Engine upgraded in 1954 Last Major Overhaul Never Prop Hours N A Last Annual Engine Air Worthiness Inspection 8 23 2011 Last Annual Prop Air Worthiness Inspection 8 23 2011 Last Annual Frame Air Worthiness Inspection 8 23 2011 Type Certificate TC-782 Engine Specifications Manufacturer Continental Model E225-4 Serial 35227-D-4-4 HP 225 Cylinders 6 Prop Specifications Manufacturer Hartzell Design No V8433N Serial J41475 Material Aluminum Size 84 Avionics Narco AT50A TSO Transponder Garmin SL40 COM Radio Bendix King KA134TSO Audio Panel Bendix King 155 TSO NAV Com Engineering Inc. 1000II 4 Place Intercom David Clark H10-13S Headset Retractable Landing Gear Top Speed 165 MPH Wing Span 34 Seats 4 Sliding Canopy Access Tire size 6.50-8 Fuel Tank 40 Gallon standard fuel tank (2) Additional 20 gallon tip fuel tanks for a total of 80 gallons All service records dating back to February 1952 are available (please see photo gallery) X



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