I am looking for a student that has experience in editing written work....I will pay a fee and we can do this via emails personal contact and we must keep in contact weekly...
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RENO NVAUTO MECHANIC WANTEDOffroad and Performance Shop- wanting to add a new team member. Need...
Terry Mileham
Stainless Steel Aluminum WelderPay 23-28 hr.Hours 5AM-3 30PMJob type Temp to HireLocation Tulsa OklahomaTest Type...
Skilled Division
Facilities TechnicianPay 18 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Day ShiftJob type Temp Position (4-6 months with...
Skilled Division
Calling ALL who are seeking a Flexible Remote Fun Creative Important Short-term Role S.Q.S. is...
Kanisha Hass
Electrospinning Production WorkerPay 15 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Monday-Thursday 6AM-6PMJob type Temp to HireLocation Claremore...
Skilled Division
Insurance Sales RepresentativePay 17 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 9AM-5 00PM (Some Saturdays)Job type Temp to HireLocation Tulsa...
Skilled Division
Paint Prep Shop HelperPay 15 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Monday-Thursday 6 30AM-5PMJob type Temp to...
Skilled Division
Break Shear OperatorPay 18 HR. (Depending on experience)Hours Monday Friday Day ShiftJob type Temp to...
Skilled Division
Class B AssemblerPay 17 hr.Hours Monday Saturday 6AM-3 30PM (Hour s change based on needs...
Skilled Division
Slitting Production OperatorPay 15 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Monday-Thursday 6PM-6AMJob type Temp to HireLocation Claremore...
Skilled Division