1998 Prowler 26 ft Toyhauler by Fleetwood $7500 - Price: $7500

1998 Prowler 26A Toyhauler by Fleetwood Only 7500. Trades Welcome Very Clean Inside and Out Electric Tongue Jack Dual Propane Tanks Roof Top Cargo Rack with access Ladder Leveling Jacks Onan Generator with Remote Start ( Only 570 Hours) Tires Look Almost New Forward Full Size Bunk Drop Down Rear Bunk Fold Out Side Bunks Large Refrigerator Microwave Oven with Stove Top A C & Heat Large Bathroom with Shower Only 7500 Trades are Welcome Germaine RV & Marine ( Sales Service & RV Renovators ) 2145 E. Main Street Mesa AZ 85213 480-655-9055 ask for Aaron



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