Job_Other_Compensation Up to 20.00 Job Description AppleOne has an immediate need for a FARM (AGRICULTURAL) EQUIPMENT MECHANIC in the Lamar CO area. Must be familiar with working on John Deere ag equipment AMS preferred. This position is responsible for inspecting diagnosing and repairing a wide variety of equipment ranging from lawn and garden equipment to construction equipment with a focus on agricultural equipment. Service technicians will be required to perform many tasks including engine overhauls transmission repairs hydraulic repairs electrical repairs AC repairs hydraulic pump repairs hydraulic cylinder repairs gear box repairs setting up equipment cooling system repairs baler repairs moreApply NowCompany
Category: Employment & Jobs
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CNC Horizontal Boring Mill (2nd Shift) - Operator CNC Machinist - Akron OH - JOB...
Shipping Clerk - Canton OH - JOB 24-00779Hourly Rate 17.50 HR A well-established electrical services...
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2jprzve7 by Oct 22. NCDOT is a...
Alexis Palcher
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2p973jfm by October 23. NCDOT is a...
Rene Basnight
MIG TIG Welder - Canton Ohio - JOB 24-00780Hourly Rate 20.00 - 25.00 HR Permanent...
Executive Director Sr. Manager of Healthcare Technology - Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00778 Salary 160...
Tool & Die Repair Technician (2nd Shift) - Macedonia OH - JOB 24-00777 Salary 50...
How to ApplyYou must apply at s ejk2whud by October 17. NCDOT is a...
Robin Baker-gonzales
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s munvsjuj by Oct 11. NCDOT is a...
Beverly Westmoreland
Rama tiles and flooring ltd located at 31120 Peardonville Road Abbotsford suite 102 Abbotsford BC...