(602)249-1001 Storage Direct at Black Canyon WE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR BOAT FOR YOU 4200 N Black Canyon Hwy Phoenix AZ 85017 (1 block north of Indian School on the southbound I-17 access road ) Please Visit Our Website WWW.STORAGEDIRECT.COM Current Specials Come in and see us or call for details (602)249-1001 Storage Sizes Available 5x5 5x10 10 x5 5x15 10 X10 10 X15 Commercial Sizes 10 X20 10 x25 20 x20 20 x30 We also have 12x20 and 12x40 parking spaces available for Boat RV Storage Car Truck Commercial Vehicles Amenities Surveillance Cameras Climate Controlled Storage with Garage-Sized Doors Available Personalized Gate Access Codes Drive up Access with Large Roll Up Doors Moving Supplies Available Push Carts Storage Direct Welcomes Commercial Business tenants and We Accept Deliveries for you Your Gate Access Hours 7am to 7pm everyday all year long Customized access for recreational vehicle storage for early pick-up We can also accommodate our with 24 Hour AccessCommercial Business Customers Our Office Hours Monday - Friday 9 00am to 5 30pm and Saturday 9 00am to 5 00pm We can be reached at (602)249-1001 with any questions. 4200 North Black Canyon Hwy (google map) (yahoo map)



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