Hello Families / Employer...Need Senior Or Child Care Services?

SAPPHIRE Relief - Disability - Senior & Child Care Services Hello Families Employer...Need Senior Or Child Care Services Call Us Been feeling tired lately and need a break Longing for a night out with your spouse but can t find the time because you are busy juggling work and the children Would you like to go on a date or a weekend getaway to flavour things up and rekindle the flames Sapphire has you in mind. Our caregivers are available for weekends weekdays and overnight. Mother s Helper Relief Care Non - Medical Support Personal Care Geriatric Care Palliative care Hospital Support Home Support Live-in Caregivers Companions Live-out Caregivers Give us a call for your service Sapphire Making The Right Connections SAPPHIRE PERSONNEL Inc. is an Employment Referral & Recruiting Agency matching qualified local and foreign skilled workers with industrial companies across Canada and caregivers with families seeking care for their loved ones both private and institutionalized. 416-635-6269www.sapphirepersonnel.ca



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