Director of Nursing Job Description Exempt Status Exempt FUNCTION Plans coordinates and manages the nursing department. Responsible for the overall direction coordination and evaluation of nursing care and services provided to the Residents. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES Supervises nursing care provided by registered nurses licensed vocational practical nurses and others for whom they are administratively or professionally responsible. Carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organizational policies and applicable laws. Supervisory responsibilities include Interviews hires and trains employees. Plans assigns and directs work. Prepares work assignment sheets taking into consideration Resident safety the educational experience moreApply NowCompany
Category: Employment & Jobs
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How to ApplyYou must apply at s 4pr2sw7z by August 21. NCDOT is a...
Lauren Eldridge
Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability VeteranQuarterly Tool AllowanceBoot AllowanceWhat is the value of a...
Waste Management
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 35kes4pz by August 21. NCDOT is a...
Domisty Menius
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 332tp4v8 by August 26. NCDOT is a...
April Briggs
Equal Opportunity Employer Minority Female Disability VeteranWhat is the value of a WM job The...
Waste Management
We are seeking a hands-on customer-focused Senior Rubber Process Engineer for our custom molded rubber...
Nancy Baughman
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 4ywzk5dw by August 26. NCDOT is a...
Kayren Williamson
Positions Full-Time Part-Time Roles Customer Service Data Entry Start as soon as tomorrow Pay 25.00...
Expedia Group
Looking for a Job Jobs Authority is here to help you find the perfect job...
NCDOT Wake County Hiring Event Wed August 21 8 30am to 2pmNCWorks Career Center 1830...
Dan Demaionewton