**Secured and Keycode-Gated**Boat Storage**2 Mths. 50% Off**FL 3

Up To 2 Months 50% Off Secured & Gated _After Hrs. Security Gaurd & 24 Hr. Access_ NO Security Deposit NO Long Term Commitments MONTH-TO-MONTH LEASE 9881 Sheridan St CooperCity FL 33024 We Store Everything Under the Sun Call Tdoay Se Habla Espa ol (954) 443-4442 I WANT TO RESERVE A BOAT & RV PARKING SPACE NOW... (Click on the underline link above) ASK YOURSELF WHAT OTHER STORAGE COMPANY OFFERS THESE AMENITIES 24 Hour Gate Access A full-time after office hours security guard for your protection Individual alarms on every storage unit door Digitally recorded color surveillance cameras A FREE move-in truck AND a driver for pickup and delivery A kids play area with games and videos so you can focus on your business Extra wide automatic opening building doors for easy loading and unloading Occupancy sensors so you don t have to search for a light switch Extremely clean and well-maintained facilities Professional managers who listen and care about your needs Greater peace of mind knowing that your items are well cared for 8 to 12 Foot Ceilings 18 Wheel Truck Accessible Accepts All Major Credit Card Checks and Cash Automatic Gates Big Parking Bays for Convenient Access Boat RV Storage Available Convenient Loading Areas Deliveries Accepted Drive Up Units Drive-in Access Our Office Hours Mon thru Sat 8 30AM to 8 30 PM Sun 10 00AM to 5 00PM



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