Westchester Medical Center Advanced Physician Services PC located in Valhalla NY is currently looking for a Operational Analyst to join our team. Job Summary The Operations Analyst reviews analyzes and evaluates division programs and operations to ensure proper management and effective operations in the delivery of patient care services in accordance with strict health standards and departmental policies and procedures. Responsibilities include assisting in the research planning and development and implementation of JACHO preparation plans programmatic and fiscal analysis of statistical data. Qualifications Bachelor s degree in business technical or health-related discipline or related field required. Master s degree in Public health ...read moreApply NowCompany
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How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com y98rh3fp by Oct 29. NCDOT is a...
Faye Mccullen
Box Header WelderPay 24-30 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 6AM-4 30PM OR 5PM-3 30AMJob type Temp To HireLocation...
Welding Division
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com 4tzyuf5e by Oct 24. NCDOT is a...
Melissa Harrison
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com 9ux2ayt9 by Nov 6. NCDOT is a...
Faye Mccullen
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com bd6hazuc by Oct 23. NCDOT is a...
Robin Baker-gonzales
Female models wanted. Must submit Full body photos with your face in it We will...
Tom Harness
Header Fitter WelderPay 26 hr. (Based on experience)Hours Monday-Friday 5AM-3 30PMJob Type Temp to HireLocation...
Welding Division
CDL Class A DriverPay 18 HR DOE Hours 7 00 AM - 3 30 PM...
Skilled Division
How to ApplyYou must apply at s tinyurl.com 5n84jnmw by Oct 22. NCDOT is a...
Connie Strickland
CNC Horizontal Boring Mill (2nd Shift) - Operator CNC Machinist - Akron OH - JOB...