1-Owner 2010 Toyota RAV4 4WD 2.5L L4 FI DOHC 16V 4WD 48553 Miles SUV 4WD AUTO TRACTION CONTROL CRUISE POWER WINDOWS POWER LOCKS POWER MIRRORS AM FM CD MP3 SATELLITE AUX INPUT JACK IPOD READY AIR CONDITIONING ALLOY WHEELS & MUCH MORE This beautiful 2010 Toyota RAV4 is a 1-Owner Non-Smoker vehicle that is in like-new mechanical and cosmetic condition all signs of a loving owner If you have been searching for a 2010 Toyota RAV4 Sport 4X4 your search is over.warranty options available for interested buyers. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss purchasing options. Please feel free to call me or send me an email
Category: Cars & 3-4 wheelers
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