2006 Kia Sedona EX - Price: $5,990

PRICE DROP FROM 6 990 1 700 below Kelley Blue Book Dependable CARFAX 1-Owner. 3rd Row Seat CD Player Dual Zone A C Fourth Passenger Door Heated Mirrors Alloy Wheels Quad Seats Overhead Airbag. READ MORE EXCELLENT VALUE Was 6 990. This Sedona is priced 1 700 below Kelley Blue Book.EXPERTS REPORT Edmunds.com explains A well-equipped practical and impressively affordable minivan. . Great Gas Mileage 25 MPG Hwy.PURCHASE WITH CONFIDENCE CARFAX 1-OwnerKEY FEATURES INCLUDE Heated Mirrors CD Player Dual Zone A C Fourth Passenger Door Third Row Seat MP3 Player Third Passenger Door Quad Bucket Seats Rear Air. Safety equipment includes Child Safety Locks Electronic Stability Control Brake Assist 4-Wheel ABS 4-Wheel Disc Brakes. EX with Sunset Gold exterior and Beige interior features a V6 Cylinder Engine with 244 HP at 6000 RPM . One Owner Vehicle Brand New State Inspection Safety Checked.WHY BUY FROM US SEE Faulkner-Ciocca Ford of Souderton on Old Bethlehem Pike in Souderton for our VAST selection of quality Certified and pre-owned Cars Trucks & SUV s all at Bottom Line Prices. Our industry-leading finance department can help you establish credit or simply make your next vehicle purchse AFFORDABLE See how easy car shopping can be. Visit our web site at www.fcfords.com Pricing analysis performed on 10 8 2013. Horsepower calculations based on trim engine configuration. Fuel economy calculations based on original manufacturer data for trim engine configuration. Please confirm the accuracy of the included equipment by calling us prior to purchase.



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