Licenced Technician Licenced Technician needed for immediate position. Very competitive pay plan and benefits Modern facility and equipment Friendly environment - dedicated in servicing our client - winner of customer satisfaction award. Send resume for interview to Mr. D.J. McDonald Service Manager Roy s Pontiac Buick Chevrolet GMC Inc. 4000 Highway 34 - P.O. Box 70 Green Valley Ontario K0C 1L0 Phone (613) 525-2300 Fax (613) 525-3860job1E1316153(at)
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Independent Contractor RoleAssist with Event Over 8 days availableContract IndependentRote and On Location roles available
Diesel MechanicPay 16.00 per hourShift 1st Shift (May include weekends)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Miami...
Skilled Division
Structural WelderPay 23-25 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 5AM-4PMJob Type Temp to HireLocation Tulsa OklahomaTest 2G MIG Flux...
Welding Division
Class A Fitter WelderPay 30.00 HRHours 7 AM - 3 30 PM Monday - FridayJob...
Welding Division
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s ycfwnjfe by October 18. NCDOT is a...
Renee Carter
Production TechnicianPay 17 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 7AM-3 30PM (Saturdays as needed)Job type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma...
Skilled Division
Class A AssemblerPay 19 hr. (Depending on Experience)Hours Monday Friday Day and Night Shift.Job type...
Skilled Division
Facilities TechnicianPay 18 HR. (Based on experience)Hours Day ShiftJob type Temp Position (4-6 months with...
Skilled Division
Maintenance Electrical JourneymanPay 25 hr (DOE)Hours Day ShiftJob Type Temp to HireLocation Catoosa OklahomaLINEMAN EXPERIENCE...
Skilled Division
Insurance Sales RepresentativePay 17 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 9AM-5 00PM (Some Saturdays)Job type Temp to HireLocation Tulsa...
Skilled Division