DRIVER PART-TIME (Based in Temecula) Busy well established company-recognized as the most professional customer service driven Transportation Company in Southern California is looking to increase its work force. Part Time position available for those who are flexible qualified and dependable. Hours vary from day to day. We are seven days a week 24 hour a day service. We cater to a vast array of clientele. This position is ideal for a retired individual or someone looking for additional income. Responsibilities Some essential Functions Transport customers to and from destinations primarily Airports and Wine Country. Perform pre-trip preventative maintenance on the vehicle (oil lights cleanliness and completing maintenance log) Communicate with dispatch Perform related responsibilities as required or assigned. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge and Skill Clean driving record Good communication and interpersonal skills Knowledge of basic vehicle operating mechanics Ability to write clearly and concisely Ability to understand and follow oral and written directions Well Groomed Ability to present a professional enthusiastic attitude through effective communication skills to promote a positive impression to customers and employees. Must Have Clean DMV
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Header Fitter WelderPay 26 hr. (Based on experience)Hours Monday-Friday 5AM-3 30PMJob Type Temp to HireLocation...
Welding Division
CDL Class A DriverPay 18 HR DOE Hours 7 00 AM - 3 30 PM...
Skilled Division
How to ApplyYou must apply at s 5n84jnmw by Oct 22. NCDOT is a...
Connie Strickland
CNC Horizontal Boring Mill (2nd Shift) - Operator CNC Machinist - Akron OH - JOB...
Shipping Clerk - Canton OH - JOB 24-00779Hourly Rate 17.50 HR A well-established electrical services...
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2jprzve7 by Oct 22. NCDOT is a...
Alexis Palcher
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2p973jfm by October 23. NCDOT is a...
Rene Basnight
MIG TIG Welder - Canton Ohio - JOB 24-00780Hourly Rate 20.00 - 25.00 HR Permanent...
Executive Director Sr. Manager of Healthcare Technology - Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00778 Salary 160...
Tool & Die Repair Technician (2nd Shift) - Macedonia OH - JOB 24-00777 Salary 50...