Small fish tank standing on a wrought iron stand Sand on bottom with rocks for show or maybe turtles Goldfish heavy glass and old art Deco period. No tubes or Water circulation with it. 8 by 10 by 11 fish tank. Stand is Made for it. Selling for 99 however any other purchase Here over 100 price reduced to half or even free. Call 718 275 3505 or e mail dav1934(at) Phone from 3 PM to 4 AM is ok e mail anytime. Other stuff is Photo and Camera and darkroom equipment. 5 cameras plus lenses high quality.
Category: Household & Furniture
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Add the finishing touch to your home dcor with this chic round wall mirror. Its...
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Alex Tzabanaki
Both Works great. Asking 350 for the set obo I m in Brussels Ontario need...