HON Lateral File, 4 Drawers, 53 1/4"H x 36"W x 19"

HON - perfect condition www.officedepot.com a products 577742 HON-500-Series-36-Wide-Lateral 4 Drawer Lateral File CabinetMetal-BlackInterlocking drawers only allow one drawer to be open at a timeLock53 inches high36 inches wide19 inches deepExcellent Condition - Barely used super cleandrawers slide beautifully2 available - 200 each or 375 for both (or best offer)2 people to move cabinet(s) - can use freight elevatorI would be glad to help with moving and possible full delivery.email or text 424-235-0325 www.officedepot.com a products 577742 HON-500-Series-36-Wide-Lateral



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