Stunning Homes for Sale In PHOENIX! Don’t Miss this Opport

Buy AZ Real Estate Today For Sale Homes in Phoenix Charming single story home in Phoenix now for sale. Brand new 5 ton A C unit installed January 2013 Wide open floor plan with tons of upgrades Large tiled family room upon entry leads back to the kitchen. Kitchen has been totally renovated with updated appliances beautiful cabinets and granite counter tops. Large tiled living room overlooks the backyard. Master bedroom has easy access to Arizona room and separate bathroom with even more upgrades Arizona room is cooled and heated great room for entertaining. Huge bac my_post.phpkyard with tall trees providing plenty of shade and RV gate with parking. Don t pass this one up PURCHASE PRICE 272 000.00 Subject Property 1744 W State Ave Phoenix AZ 85021Bed Bath 3 2 Square Feet 2 240 Year Built 1955 Virtual Tour watch v 3n_IoQsGWxE If you would like to schedule appointment to view the inside of this house please contact Jessica Knaack at (623) 810-1249 (602) 903-4823 or email Jessica (at) JessicaKnaack(at) or you may visit our office at 2048 N 44th St 100 Phoenix AZ 85008



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