Disco LPs REDUCED!!! - Price: $2

40 carbon place To our regular and new vinyl record collector s we ve recently REDUCED THE PRICE OF over 300 hundred disco 12 vinyls all in vg condition most from the late 70 s. MOST ARE PRICED FROM 2 TO 6 . These records are in addition to our already extensive collection of vinyl records MANY FOR three FOR 5. Check them out at the Thriftique Warehouse thrift shop 40 carbon place in jersey city. Hrs are 10-6 mnth tues thurs fri & sat. Call Tony at . We re minutes away from the Bayonne Bridge Holland Tunnel and exits 14a & 15e of the NJ Turnpike. We have plenty of free parking right outside our door and in the back of our building. Please take a moment to visit our web siteat www.thriftiques.com > ....



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