We would like to adopt your guinea pigs male and females both. i have three grandchildren that are very interested in them and the guineas would be well loved and cherished.
Category: Pets - Trade or Wanted
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im looking or a small puppy any breed but it has to be a small...
My 4 week bred gsd slipped out my front porch gate Friday nite and was...
Lost our little Taco last fall and missing her. Would like to find one reasonable...
Looking for a free black male cat. Not fixed. Is fine with children. Litter trained...
Have three black female labs. They are a litttle over a year past that destructive...
I am a disabled senior on a low fixed income. A person in my situation...
Carole Weisser
Im looking for a small puppy never grows my bday in 9days n i have...
I m look for a puppy because I m home alone a lot so I...
Hi I m in love with GSDs and I want one really bad. I m...
Daniel Gonzalez
Sixmonths girl or boyyorky I don t have one I want one call3092678124phone only no...