Sell Me All working/none working Apple Products..All Smartphones

will pay you cash for your all smartphones working none working apple products.... IPAD1 2 3 WIFI AND WIFI 3G 4g iphones any kind please call text 949 3 3 1 8 4 4 7 SERIOUS inquiry ONLY AND meeting LOCALLY AND FACE TO FACE. I AM SORRY WILL NOT PAY FOR HOT STUFF EVEN 1 DOLLAR most of the items that i want are in keywords............. keywords htc one x 3g worldwide international imac macbook pro the new ipad blackberry nokia lg samsung htc iphone all apple products ipod ipad mac mini ipad3 ipad2 macbook air. razer maxx and so on.... samsung galaxy sIII galaxy sii galaxy s2 note htc one s iphone 4s factory unlocked t-mobile boost mobile lg sony vaio macbook pro 2012 high end latest smartphones itouch ipod touch 4th gen 3rd gen 4g



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