Anchorage band looking for the right guitar player to fill out our group. We are a working band although making money is the last of the reasons we play. We play for the sheer joy of performing and have a great time doing it. Our song list is comprised of classic rock latin rock some country ballads currents hits and we do songs in three languages (Russian Spanish and of course English). Our backgrounds are Russian Puerto Rican and North American but we all speak fluent English. We all have jobs or are retired and consider our music a serious hobby. We need a guitar player who knows his chords and can play a reasonable solo. He or she doesn t have to be a virtuoso but must be fluent with their instrument. Must dedicate two to three hours of time for rehearsal once a week and be able to gig on weekends. We are willing to work with an up and coming player who may not be fully developed yet but is willing to put in the time outside of rehearsal to improve themselves. Do you have a fire lit inside you to play music and perform with other like minded musicians Our love of music is what drives us and we need to find a guitar player with the same drive and commitment. Our ages range from 28 to 66. The old timers have been playing for nearly 50 years and are comsumate professionals willing to help younger players along. This is a great opportunity for a player ready to make the leap to playing live music to gain experience and guidance while getting valuable on-stage experience. Any age or gender considered. We are an equal opportunity band made up of three women and three men. For an interview call Bill or Galina at 346-8021or Bill (cell) 240-1174 or Galina (cell) 240-1173. Leave a message if no answer.
Category: Music
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