Unique Leasing Service for Private Property Owners - Price: no U

Lackew Leasing is an unique property management company only serving private home owners. There are no up front or out of pocket fees for us manage your rental property. We are not a Realty company nor do not sell rental lists. Renting is our base business therefore we do not make commissions from home sales. Yet your property is marketed just as aggressively as a realtor would to ensure ultimate exposure to generate the most leads. We service a specific target area which affords us to give the most attention to that particular market. Repeat business is the cornerstone of our foundation - thus we must provide our cliental with exceptional customer service. We have a full range of property management packages and the only one offering 24 7 emergency maintenance to private property owners to help protect your investment. We have a web site dedicated to rental property listings where potential renters can browse homes any time of the day or night which allows them to apply for a rental property when it is most convenient for them. The majority of the rental process is done online this speeds up the time in which your house will be rented. An online Rental Application can be processed in a 24 hour period through our virtual office. There is no cost for registering with either website.



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