$3000 3 bedroom in South Kansas City - Price: $3000

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2314588. Enjoy your stay in this spacious stylish-updated 3 Bedroom & 3 Full bathroom home. Once you enter Matts place you will enjoy the wonderful layout. The main floor is your living room with large HD tv & wood burning fireplace a dining area off of the kitchen that looks out to the upper patio & backyard and your fully loaded kitchen with all your dining & cooking necessities. The upstairs will have all 3 bedrooms & 2 of the full bathrooms. The & quot Monroe& quot Suite is the master bedroom where you will have a king size bed & private bathroom. The & quot Serenity& quot room is the 2nd bedroom & with its cool color palette your sure to get a relaxing slumber. Then you have the & quot Buttercup& quot it is the 3rd bedroom set up with two twin beds. (There also is a baby bed stored in the basement for any baby traveler.) The lower level of the home is set up perfect for entertaining. You will find a large dining table ready for all to gather round. This is also where you will have a family room with entertainment center. Last but not least open up the french doors & walk-out the a tranquil covered patio area where you are sure to enjoy the outdoors. This vacation corporate rental home provides you with all your bedding & linen needs. There is a full size washer dryer and iron. The over sized fenced backyard is perfect for your & quot doggies& quot needs & play. All utilities are included in the nightly rental rate (Electric gas water cable internet & trash pick-up) Large driveway & 2 car garage for your parking. 285.00 per Night7.85% Tax (for all short term stays under 30 days) 225.00 Cleaning & Maintenance FeeStay longer & SAVE... your 7th Night is always free Join & quot Slow Foods& quot & receive a discount For more details .



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