Seeking Class A Drivers with at least 8 months tractor trailer experience over the road in the last three years. Starting CPM 40.5-44 running an average of 2500 miles per week with multi-stop pay. Running area is east of I-35. NYC is not forced and pays 100. Drivers are out for 2 weeks with 2 full days off. 80-90% Drop and Hook and 99% No Touch Freight. You can be approved today and scheduled for our paid orientation. Take advantage of great pay and a 1000 sign-on bonus. Apply Now Contact Diane at 1-888-531-5865 or apply at
Category: Employment & Jobs
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Growing food manufacturer that specializes in the production of sauces dressings is looking to hire...
Becky Villanueva
Specialty door manufacturing company looking to hire grinders helpers on 1st shift. Located in the...
Becky Villanueva
Plastic manufacturing company in Carson looking to hire entry level machine operators on the 2nd...
Becky Villanueva
Growing food manufacturer that specializes in the production of sauces dressings is looking to hire...
Becky Villanueva
Great opportunity for work in the city of Pico Rivera Industrial door manufacturing company looking...
Becky Villanueva
Insert Press Operator - Canton OH - JOB 24-00689Hourly Rate 18.00 HR Permanent Position with...
Growing food manufacturer that specializes in the production of sauces dressings is looking to hire...
Becky Villanueva
Plastic manufacturing company in Carson looking to hire a Stand Up Reach (Crown) Operator for...
Becky Villanueva
Specialty door manufacturer in the city of Pico Rivera is looking hire welders to join...
Becky Villanueva
Do you like watching travel vlogs on YouTube They re quite informational and fun to...