1986 Mastercraft Prostar - Price: $5,500

Boat is in immaculate condition for its age. You can see by the pics below. Boat houses a 351 Ford Winsor with 750 hrs on rebuilt motor(holey carb) that is in terrific shape never once left me out on the water along with 19 feet single axle trailer. I am an Air Force mechanic so boat was meticulously cared for clean and clear FL title. Boat includes many extras such as two wakeboards wakeskate ski s tube ski rope six life vest battery jump box marine radio and speakers bimini top along with a full length boat cover air boom with wakeboard racks. Trailer lamps work but will need to be redone soon. Trailer itself is also in attractive shape that has two new tires that I purchased last October when I bought this boat. The absolute only reason Im selling is because my transmission went out on my truck an I have no other options. I m quite flexible on price due to me needing cash fast. Call or text me (at). Willing to do test drives for serious buyers....



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