FAMILY LAW - Divorce / Custody / Support: 20 years Experience (L

At the Law Offices of Jamison K. Shedwill we are dedicated to providing caring and personal legal representation of the highest quality at reasonable and competitive rates. I have been practicing family law for the last 20 years and can tailor my representation to meet the needs and financial situation of each individual client. While full legal representation is almost always preferable many potential clients have difficulty affording the retainer or deposit required for us to become attorney of record in their case. For those situations we offer Limited Scope representation which can allow clients to essentially pay-as-you-go and involve our office on an as needed basis. If you are considering divorce are involved in a disagreement over custody or have other family law related issues I invite you to take the time to discuss your particular situation with us. Your choice of counsel may be the single most important decision you make that will guide the course and path of your family law matter. We are here to help and guide you through this mess and to be the catalyst to the solution to your current troubles. Phone (714) 529-6300 Website



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