Sean is a lovable bully mixture breed. He may have a combination of any or all Mastiff Boxer Pitbull...
Category: Pets - Dogs
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AKC German Shepherds4 females left. First and second shots done worming done vet check done...
Magnificent purebred English bulldog puppies available.Our puppies are up to date on vaccines. They come...
I have three miniature dachshund male pups. Piebald dappled with ticking - smooth coat. They...
I have a 5 yr old female blue nose pitbull dog to rehome she keeps...
Jessica Hocfbaum
If you are looking for a loyal friend with a heart of gold our puppies...
4 full blooded blue female pupies looking for a good home. will be ready for...
Nicholas Outlaw
they are available on may 22 f1bb mini golden doodle contact me for more information.
We have 1 adorable sweet Female French Bulldog ready to go to her forever home...
Wilfred Hanekom
3 males left. Full breed Australian shepherds with papers CKC registered and first shots done...