Approx 900 sf Fantastic retail store front space with a 500sf basement perfect for overstock - Heated and air-conditioned. - has a large window display - Newly renovated with new floors lighting and freshly painted - Located along Laird Drive in hear of Leaside s boulevard of commerce - Across from new Leaside Village retail that includes Longo s Tim Hortons Banks Restaurants Best Buy Home Depot Five Guys Aroma and much more...
Category: For Rent - Commercial Lease
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Individual office spaces for professionals for rent located on Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Boulevard in Mont-Saint-Hilaire. L rudit...
Vincent Lainesse
Turnkey office space for rent in Longueuil -- 4 Saint-Charles Street East.Total space available 2...
quipe Commerciale
Commercial space for rent Boucherville -- 535 Samuel-De Champlain local 1. Very nice completely renovated...
Jacques Gallant
Commercial building Office Commercial space for rent Repentigny (Lanaudiere) --- 251 boulevard Brien.Zoning C3 P1...
quipe Commerciale
Office Space for Rent Brossard Monteregie 3005 Matte Blvd. Available space on 2nd floor 2...
quipe Commerciale
Commercial space for rent Plateau-Mont-Royal (Mile-End) Montreal -- 4897 Boul. St-Laurent. 2200 sq. Ft. on...
Geniev Mondoux
New commercial space for rent Drummondville. Robert-Bernard street. Total space 5 000 to 30 000...
Mathieu Tessier
Commercial office space Brossard Monteregie for rent - 6300 Auteuil Av local 100. Magnificent no...
Jacques Gallant
2 680 Marine Park Drive Salmon Arm BC V1E 3L4 1019 square feet in great...
Jim Grieve, Personal Real Estate Corporation
Office space for rent Plateau-Mont-Royal Montreal -- 4416 St-Laurent Offices spaces from 1600 and 3000...
Geniev Mondoux DA