Country Cottage and Cabins Bills Pd Furnished Monthly Cabins

Lovely Woods and Water view on 10 acres Month to Month rental Bills Paid furnished Shade tree I have a Cottage one bedroom one bath large cooking kitchen nice size living area 1450 monthly YFI Rent paid up from goes from month to month. 2 - one bedroom Cabins with jacuzzi bath queen bed in each TV linens Large porch rockers and tables Small kitdhenette between the two cabins. 1250 Rent need Cell phone. Quiet peaceful stars off street parking. 15mins to ger to most any towns around. Working in town buying or building a home visiting family member Visiting for a while. Just call Just need your Clothes and food. One more 3 room lodgy suite Jacuzzi Bath one queen Bed queen sleeper.. Also from Aug-Sep. renting Week-ends ask about.



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