Used 2006 Peterbilt 379EXHD For Sale - Price: $70,900

Premier O O Specd Truck with Right-Side RigMaster Generator and Left-Side 30 Aluminum Storage Box Dual Aluminum Side Steps w HandGrab Bars 296 WB will accommodate Large Custom Sleeper Double-Bunk Sleeper w Refrigerator. Full Instrument Panel Gauge Package including CAT MESSENGER DRIVER INFO DISPLAY. Platinum Interior (Blue w Tan Carpet) with Dual UltraRide HiBack Leather interior Remote Keyless entry Alpine Custom Stereo w Twin 10 Box (2 Amps Under Bunk) Galaxy DX 959 CB and Sirius Satellite Radio Mounted on Dash. Dual Interior Air-Hoses for Easy Cleaning Dual Heated Motor Mirrors w Heated Spot Mirrors. ANTILOCKING BRAKES Offroad and ATC Switches on Dash 4 Red-Lens Flush-Mounted Load Lamps on Sleeper Rear Wall Diamond-Plate Deck with Center-Mounted Pogo for Easy Airline Access QUALCOM-Ready Internal Wiring. New Steers 6 09 (8200 mis) New Drives 7 08 (66 400 mis). Low Mileage HHGs O O Truck Must Sell This Truck is a Drivers Dream ...



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