2008 Nissan Frontier XE - Price: $18,995

Visit our website at www.motorsnorthwest.com This vehicle Includes a 72 Hour Exchange Policy a One Year Carfax Buyback Guarantee and a 3 Month 3 000 Mile REAL WARRANTY. This Nissan is a LOCAL TRADE and is the PERFECT choice for any home owner This truck is truly ONE OF A KIND. This truck was NOT purchased at a auction We only sell LOCAL TRADES and you get a FREE WARRANTY with the vehicle purchase CALL US TODAY Motors Northwest is honored to present a wonderful example of pure vehicle design... this 2008 Nissan Frontier SE only has 62 626 miles on it and could potentially be the vehicle of your dreams With a CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee you can be confident with your purchase at Motors Northwest. If any issues reported to the DMV are not shown on the CARFAX report they ll buy your Nissan back at the full purchase price. This is a well kept ONE-OWNER Frontier SE with a full CARFAX history report. The Frontier SE is well maintained and has just 62 626 miles. This low amount of miles makes this vehicle incomparable to the competition. This Nissan Frontier SE is in great condition both inside and out. No abnormal wear and tear. Sophistication performance style and class all wrapped up in this rare Nissan Frontier. More information about the 2008 Nissan Frontier The 2008 Nissan Frontier is a good manageably sized alternative to full-size trucks and its V6 engine is one of the most powerful in its class. The truck also stands out for its unique Utili-track system and plentiful interior storage bins. Towing ability is a strong point for the Frontier too properly equipped it can tow up to 6 500 pounds. This model sets itself apart with Utility and cargo versatility towing ability. Nismo off-road model and power (V6)



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