2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE - Price: $10,995

This dk. red 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan SE has everything you need. Our offer of 10 995 beats the other guys 11 748. This one s a keeper. It has a crash test safety rating of 5 out of 5 stars. With dual climate control both the driver and passenger can be comfortable. There s no need to worry with great safety features like anti-lock brakes and stability control. With a third-row seat this mini-van has all the space you need. Keyless entry makes it really convenient to lock and unlock this car. According to a review from New Car Test Drive All of them are now Grand. Could this be the vehicle for you Give us a call today and find out Used Cars Trucks SUV s & Minivan s. Minnesota s Iron Range from Grand Rapids Coleraine Bovey Calumet Nashwauk Keewatin Hibbing Chisholm Virginia Eveleth Gilbert Cook Orr Ely & Surrounding area On-the-spot financing requiring little or nothing down (OAC). New vehicle leasing. Trade-in s wanted Ask about our 1650 Value Plus Rewards. Get Started - Click the Get Quote button to inquire.



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