2002 Crestliner 1850 Fishhawk Fishing Boat w Yamaha 115 Four Str

2002 Crestliner 1850 Fishhawk greenYamaha 115 Four Stroke F115TLRBMinn Kota Power Drive Auto Pilot 74LBDual Networked LMS-520C Color Sonar GPS MappingDual Console muskie edition Larger live wells and better rod storage with tubes.New batteries all around2010 dual bank charger for trolling motor batteries.Snap on cover.5 life jackets.Lot of storage 4 seats plus brand new front pedestal seat.6 rod holders.Good carpet and flooring. No Rot. 2002 Shoreland r Roller Trailer with electric brakes.Always stored indoors. Been on the water 5 times in the last 3 years One Owner.



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